Environmental Regulatory Compliance

A proven methodology to implement integrated management systems.

Environmental Regulatory Compliance

A proven methodology to implement integrated management systems.

The problem is environmental,
the solution is human.

Service coverage across the entire province of Quebec
Service coverage across the entire province of Quebec
Emergency response available 24/7
Environmental emergency expertise available 24/7
Unmatched customer service

Knowledge to help you optimize

Obtaining a detailed portrait of their company’s environmental parameters helps our clients optimize their activities and reduce their exposure to risk.

Monitor your operations by integrating environmental management practices

Laforge Environnement has implemented an Environmental Damage Prevention Program (EDPP) to help companies anticipate the environmental impact of their activities. This helps them avoid significant financial costs that result from a lack of planning.

Adopting the right environmental management practices will provide you with an accurate portrait of the parameters associated with your activity. That way, you’ll avoid finding yourself in a situation of non-compliance. You’ll also be able to protect the reputation of your business and the reputation of social and environmental stakeholders who may be affected by your activities.

Environmental management is about assessing the performance of your operations – the inputs and outputs of your facilities. Even though it might seem like a simple concept, an efficient Environmental Management System (EMS) or a Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) requires data collection, data interpretation, and a rigorous scientific methodology that enables you to adequately monitor the parameters that are specific to your activities.

With our support, you’ll be able to monitor the parameters needed to make an informed decision

Laforge Environnement’s global approach to environmental compliance audits integrates ecological, social, and economic parameters so you can get a clear picture of the costs and benefits associated with your operations. Our specialists will examine your operational output to build a database of the emissions, pollutants, and other waste to help you decrease your use of raw resources and minimize the costs associated with your activities.

Our qualified experts can audit your activities and assess numerous parameters related to your operational efficiency, such as:

Our sectors
We support you every step of the way, from audit to implementation

Our experts will analyze your operational performance to recommend measures that mitigate risks and proactively manage your environmental challenges. We offer a wide range of services to help you develop a personalized environmental compliance program.

Implementing an integrated environmental management system will ensure that your activities comply with regulations and laws in force and will help you find new ways to maximize your efficiency.

If you want to use fewer resources, reduce your risks and costs all while increasing the efficiency of your activities, contact our specialists.
Éric Caron
CESA®, Certified Expert no.385, Director of Real Estate sector
Do you have environmental challenges? Contact us
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